Plasa 2007

Remainder of my time in California was a bit of a blur. All of last weeks work was integrated into the rest of the system and everything came together nicely. Unfortunately it didn’t leave me much time to get to the airport. I ended up leaving Santa Clara with two and a half hours to go. In that time I had to drive up to SFO (an hour drive), drop off the rental car, and then jump on a plane. When I made it to the check-in counter they complained bitterly and then suggested I run to the gate…

Anyway from San Francisco I made my way to London for the Plasa trade show held at Earl’s Court. Officially giving small technical demonstrations, having a look at the competition, and getting customer feedback. Unofficially I was the one who had to fix things when they go wrong.

Element Labs booth at Plasa 2007
Element Labs booth

Plasa was long as trade shows go and lasted for four days. During that time we got loads of good feedback (all feedback being good), and generated lots of interest. I was even given an opportunity to talk to some of the competition who were impressed with our system, and were kind enough to show us through theirs. It’s always amazing seeing the different ways that people approach the same problem. Thanks again guys!